Worship With Us

Sundays At 10:45AM

Embracing God’s grace

united by his power

proclaiming his gospel

experiencing his love

Living for his glory

  • Sunday Classes | 9:30 AM

    For adults, Sundays begin with a Core Seminars designed to equip individuals to know God truly and serve him effectively.

    For kids, Sundays begin with Sunday School. Here, they learn gospel truths about who Jesus is and how much He loves them.

    Sunday Gathering | 10:45 AM

    We gather for musical worship, Scripture reading, prayer, the preaching of God’s Word, as well as baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Kids are invited to Kids Gathering during the sermon time where approved volunteers teach truths from the Bible.

  • 1st and 3rd Wednesdays - Prayer and Bible Study + Kid's Training // 6:30 pm

    Our adults have a time of prayer and Bible study at the church campus, building relationships with one another. While our adults are growing in their faith and relationship with one another, so are our kids!

    2nd and 4th Wednesdays - Community Groups

    Community groups meet mid-week at various locations in Knoxville to discuss Sunday's sermon and pray for each other - childcare provided. Contact us for more info.

  • We’d love to hear from you! Email info@ihbc.com with any questions or prayer requests.

we exist to worship Jesus as a display of his glory in saving sinners by celebrating his grace, embracing his love, and carrying His Good News to the world.

IHBC is a family of believers with a vision to faithfully worship Jesus Christ and make Him known in Knoxville and around the world.

connect with us

Whether you’re planning a visit, have questions, or need to share a prayer request, we’d love to hear from you.